With Martha Higareda, Chad Michael Murray, Yul Vazquez, Benito Martinez. The story of Eva and her blind cousin Sofia (Martha Higareda), who were inseparable as children, with Eva the loyal companion who helped Sofia through her tough adolescent years. When Eva suddenly commits suicide, Sofia rushes home to her father, Hector (Benito Martinez), and Eva's parents.
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See all Audience reviews Rotten Tomatoes, home of the Tomatometer, is the most trusted measurement of quality for Movies & TV. Lies in Plain Sight (TV) is a film directed by Patricia Cardoso with Martha Higareda, Chad Michael Murray, Yul Vazquez, Benito Martinez. Original title: Lies in Plain Sight (TV).
Synopsis: The story of Eva and her blind cousin Sofia (Martha Higareda), who were inseparable as children, with Eva the loyal companion who helped Sofia through her tough adolescent years. Uneori, cele mai socante adevaruri stau chiar in fata noastra, desi raman nevazute. Filmul spune povestea Evei, o studenta oarba si a verisoarei sale, Sofia, care erau de nedespartit cand erau mici; Eva a fost acea prietena loiala care a ajutat-o pe. The film is a little slow, more of a family drama than an action/adventure story, though it does have a few edge-of-your-seat moments. My favorite part about it, however, is the film's understatement. You see, Sofia is blind, and yet she's the one determined to uncover the truth behind Eva's death.
Trailer Lies in Plain Sight [Lies in Plain Sight]

Also, the family is Hispanic. "Lies in Plain Sight" conta a história de Eva e sua prima cega Sofia (Martha Higareda), que eram inseparáveis quando crianças. Com a companhia leal de Eva, Sofia enfrentou seus anos difíceis na adolescência. Quando Eva de repente comete suicídio, Sofia vai para a casa do pai, Hector (Benito Martinez), e dos pais de Eva, Marisol (Rosie.
Xbox One HoloLens Slepá vysokoškolačka Sofia se vrací domů, aby zjistila, co stojí za nevysvětlitelnou sebevraždou její sestřenice Evy. Distributie Lies in Plain Sight - Secretul Evei, actori: Chad Michael Murray, Martha Higareda, Yul Vazquez, Cheyenne Haynes, Kendra Jain, Connor Weil, regizor: Patricia Cardoso Is the con on. again? One-sided Hollywood productions often pretend to be anything but that. Hollywood marketers and stars alike know they'll sell more soap by appealing to both sides of the country.
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