Som en af de bedst anmeldte film i USA i år og med ikke mindre end fem Oscar-nomeringer, bla. for bedste kvindelige hoved- og birolle, er In The Bedroom en absolut must-see film, for dem, der mener at amerikanske film er andet og mere end højpotent pyroteknik og tyndbenet teeny-bop. In the Bedroom er et hårdt, tragisk melodrama, der bevæger sig ganske langsomt, men alligevel fængsler fra første scene. Det er fristende at sammenligne med film som Monster's Ball, A Simple Plan og The Deep End, selv om In the Bedroom faktisk er en bedre film end alle de øvrige.
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It could remind you of Tomas Alfredson's Let the Right One In or Lukas Moodysson movies. A taut thriller based on the worldwide best-selling novel by S. Watson, BEFORE I GO TO SLEEP is the story of a woman (Nicole Kidman) who wakes up every day with no memory as the result of a.
With Judi Dench, Sophie Cookson, Stephen Campbell Moore, Tom Hughes. The story of Joan Stanley, who was exposed as the K. A gang of bank robbers fleeing to Mexico invade the home of a frontier family, which unexpectedly turns into a suspenseful night of seduction, turning tables, and. Then we would see them at a party, Alex wearing a dress that makes little mystery of her perfect breasts. Michael Douglas stars as professor Grady Tripp, a novelist who teaches creative writing at a university but has been unable to finish his. ★★★★★☆ Havde den med garanti snart Oscar-belønnede "En ubekvem sandhed" blot været en lang monolog om den efterhånden kendte kendsgerning, at vi langsomt og støt er i gang med at tage livet af vores kære planet, havde den ikke været nær så engagerende, som den vitterligt er.
Trailer In the Bedroom [In the Bedroom]

Så kunne man næsten lige så godt have smækket en af de talløse Discovery. Charlotte Gainsbourg plays the androgynously named Joe, who, at the opening of Volume I, is discovered lying bruised and battered in a dark alley by Seligman (Stellan Skarsgård). Seligman takes her in, tucks her in bed, and gives her tea.
He is a complete stranger and he asks what happened. She warns him up front that it will not be a nice story, that she is a bad person. Når "The Woman in Black" indimellem skræmmer, gør den det dog med manér. Det er en film om sorg og spiritualisme, der tilmed byder på en nærmest perfekt indre konflikt i hovedpersonen.
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