With Ana Golja, Jennifer Beals, Sarah Fisher, Asha Bromfield. A young gymnast's Olympic aspirations are crushed after a debilitating accident. Knives Out is a brilliant whodunnit film that is so much fun to unwrap and piece together.
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Men måske mere overraskende er Knives Out ikke så genre-undergravende, at den glemmer at være en solid 'whodunnit' i sin egen ret. For Knives Out har rigeligt med tilfredsstillende overraskelser i ærmet til fans af genren, samtidig med at løjerne drejes i nye og mere moderne retninger. Og hvad vigtigere er for krimi-fans, så lægger Johnson aldrig en finger på vægten.
With Helenna Santos, Alexandra Boylan, Jeff Schroeder, Jodie l Panek. Two women embark on an adventure to save their careers, only to discover that they must save themselves. With Nicolas Cage, Joely Richardson, Madeleine Arthur, Elliot Knight. A secluded farm is struck by a strange meteorite which has apocalyptic consequences for the family living there and possibly the world. With Lee Van Cleef, John Phillip Law, Mario Brega, Luigi Pistilli. A young gunfighter plans to track down and eliminate the bandits who killed his family, and forms a tenuous alliance with an aging ex-outlaw, till the surprising end.
Trailer On the Outs [On the Outs]

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