It was directed by Lowell Sherman, and produced by William LeBaron. The film is famous for West's many double entendres and quips. With Mae West, Cary Grant, Owen Moore, Gilbert Roland.
♔[Film-sᴛʀᴇᴀᴍ]♛ She Done Him Wrong (1933) Streaming film Dansk Audio. Hvordan ser man She Done Him Wrong online: Stream filmen gratis? Hulu tilbyder den billigste og nemmeste platform til at streame She Done Him Wrong online.Watch # 123 filmS [HD +] - se The She Done Him Wrong Fuld film online gratis?
It also features Cary Grant in. "She Done Him Wrong" is a film whose story almost gets in the way of the main character, played by a legendary talent. She Done Him Wrong Cântăreața și proprietarul clubului de noapte Lady Lou are mai mulți prieteni bărbați decât vă puteți imagina. Unul dintre ei este un criminal vicios care a scăpat și este pe cale să o vadă pe „fata" lui, fără să-și dea seama că nu a fost exact credincios în absența lui.
They then spent the next two years trying to figure out a way of getting the material past the censors. The battle over 'Diamond Lil' led to the head of the Production Board, James Wingate, quitting and being replaced by the much more hardline Joseph Breen who was prompted to set up a fairly. That's really the major concern with She Done Him Wrong. Its humour, which almost entirely consists of the West double entendre one-liners, doesn't play as very funny and the plot is all over the place. West is Lady Lou, a bawdy singer who works in the Bowery saloon owned by Gus Jordan. Crammed with a large amount of humorous one-liners and courageous hedonism, She Done Him Wrong is the film which made Mae West a star.
Trailer She Done Him Wrong [She Done Him Wrong]

Directed by Lowell Sherman, and based on West's own play Diamond Lil, it's one of the pivotal movies which prompted the authoritarian enforcement of the Hays Production Code, and the codes consistent pressurising on the filmmakers during the creation of. All this super-short "Best-Picture-ONLY-nominee" will ever be known for for any reason is for the quote: "I always did like a man in a uniform. The film's overall quality stands out as a result of its top.
Here is the rare interesting shot in this film. I don't blame West for it entirely-apparently her act was too risque for even Pre-Code. "She Done Him Wrong" is listed in the film's credits as being "By Mae West," with no reference to the source play. Some of the more blatant lines were replaced with new ones which got their effect through implication, insinuation and innuendo, which Mae actually found funnier. Following a meeting with producer William LeBaron and the Hays Office, the studio was forced to change the racket of Russian Rosie from white-slavery to counterfeiting, with the admonition that the filmmakers remove the film "as far as possible from any feeling of sordid realism," and.
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