The film, which also serves as a direct sequel to the film adaptation of The Shining, directed by Stanley Kubrick, is set several decades after the events of the original and combines elements of. Anmeldelse: Doctor Sleep Efterfølgeren til én af de mest ikoniske og roste gyserfilm i filmhistorien falder igennem som én af de værste Stephen King-filmatiseringer i nyere tid. After all, the tome is a not just a sequel to The.
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Man kan ikke andet end beundre Mike Flanagans mod. With Ewan McGregor, Rebecca Ferguson, Kyliegh Curran, Cliff Curtis. Doctor Sleep is a film with a near-impossible brief and crushing audience expectations.
It delivers on those conditions marvellously, and presents one of the smartest, most effective supernatural. Mike Flanagan's "Doctor Sleep" connects the visions of Stephen King and Stanley Kubrick with his own style, made most popular in Netflix's "The Haunting of Hill House." It is an often effective blend of the three as it's forced to pay more homage to Kubrick's vision than King was in his book, which served purely as a sequel to a novel that the filmmaker had drastically changed. Han er nu alkoholiseret, manisk/depressiv og selvdestruktiv, men får livsgnisten tilbage, da han får arbejde på et ældrecenter, hvor han kan guide de døende på deres sidste rejse. Rebecca Ferguson in the movie "Doctor Sleep." (Warner Bros.) Danny's mastery of his own gift has kept him off the True Knot's radar, though another child we meet, Abra Stone (a plucky. Doctor Sleep doesn't quite approach the singular sense of unreality in Kubrick's film, but Flanagan's methods of visually communicating what the Shining is and how it can work through its. The first thing you hear in Doctor Sleep is the chilling thrum of Wendy Carlos and Rachel Elkind's iconic synth-based score for The Shining.
Trailer Doctor Sleep [Doctor Sleep]

The motif has been re-recorded for Mike Flanagan's. I Mike Flanagans filmatisering af Doctor Sleep stryges King i hvert fald med hårene, og til trods for et hav af referencer og flashbacks til Kubricks film, er han tro mod Kings forlæg. Mike Flanagan er desuden manden bag Netflix's The Haunting of Hill House, den formidable haunted house-serie, som cementerede at gyset i disse år også.
Doctor Sleep is the latest in a long list of Stephen King adaptations. This one, however, works as both an adaptation of a novel, as well as being a model sequel to Stanley Kubrick's genre. Doctor Sleep is one of those movies that does its job so well that you can't help but notice when other aspects don't excel. Flanagan has made a really fun movie that uses hints of horror to.
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