Blinded by the Light anmeldelse: Sukkesødet musikalsk frikvarter. At holde af Blinded by the Light kræver, at du godt kan lide film med et knasende lag sukker på toppen. For instruktør Gurinder Chadha lægger ikke skjul på, at hendes største mål er at få publikum til at smile, måske danse lidt i biografsædet og eventuelt græde en lille tåre.
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Stephanie Gil, left, and Lúcia Moniz in. Anmeldelse: Blinded by the Light Kærligheden til Bruce Springsteens tekstunivers mærkes i "Blinded by the Light". Biopics om musikere har i mange år været go-to genren. "Walk the Line", "Ray" og "Rocketman", bare for at nævne et par stykker, har alle været solide.
At producere en biografisk film er én ting. There's a moment in "Blinded by the Light," a new film from writer/director Gurinder Chadha ("Bend It Like Beckham," "Bride & Prejudice"), when the young protagonist, a kid named Javed (Viveik Kalra), watches the video for Bruce Springsteen's "Dancing in the Dark" for the first time. Javed is obsessed with Springsteen's music, but the look on his face as he drinks in Springsteen's powerful. With Billy Barratt, Ronak Singh Chadha Berges, Viveik Kalra, Lee Barnett. Blinded by the Light has the subtlety of a flashlight, one that's being repeatedly flashed in the face, desperate for a reaction. Blinded by the Light is showing at the Sundance film festival Topics Gurinder Chadha can thank her decision to seize the moment for her latest project, "Blinded by the Light." The world may have moved on from his type of music, but with Blinded By The Light, Gurinder Chadha, who gave us the delightful Bend It Like Beckham, has delivered a crowd-pleasing film about the.
Trailer Blinded by the Light [Blinded by the Light]

If nothing else, Blinded By The Light is a rolling jukebox of Springsteen's greatest hits; during 'Dancing In The Dark', the lyrics burst out of Javed's head onto the locations and the. Trailer ITA del film con le musiche di Bruce Springsteen Iscriviti e Clicca la Campanella: NOVITA'!!! Det hele går op i en alt for perfekt ligning i den Bruce Springsteen-gennemsyrede ungdomsfilm 'Blinded by the Light'.
Men det ændrer ikke på, at det er en charmerende og medrivende film om ungdommens udlængsel og musikken som perfekt copilot under flugten. Manzoor also is credited as a writer for the film. Javed Khan is a son of Pakistani immigrants living in Luton. As you watch Blinded by the Light, don't let its earnest trappings blind you to the beauty of its core.
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