It is the third installment in the Rocky film series, and the second in the franchise to be directed by Stallone. The movie features returning co-stars Carl Weathers, Burgess Meredith, Talia Shire, Burt Young and Tony Burton. Rocky III also marks the film debuts of Mr.
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After winning the ultimate title and being the world champion, Rocky falls into a hole and finds himself picked up by a former enemy. Regarder Rocky III Film Streaming , Rocky Balboa est aujourd'hui un champion respecté après sa victoire contre Apollo Creed. Mais lorsqu'il perd contre un nouveau venu sur le circuit, c'est Apollo Creed lui-même qui va venir à sa rescousse et lui redonner le goût du combat et de la victoire.
It is written and directed by and stars Sylvester Stallone as the title character, with Carl Weathers as former boxing rival Apollo Creed, Burgess Meredith as Rocky's trainer Mickey, and Talia Shire as Rocky's wife, Adrian. Rocky's opponent is James "Clubber" Lang, played by Mr. Thomas Schomberg was placed at the top of the steps of the Philadelphia Museum of Arts. After filming wrapped, Sylvester Stallone tried to donate the statue to the museum but they said they didn't want it, sparking a huge debate between the Museum and the City's Art Commission about what. It is my third favorite Rocky film. The first one will always be the best.
Trailer Rocky III [Rocky III]

I think the third entry of the franchise is a big improvement over Rocky II in my opinion. He's on top of the world now, bags a statue, and for some reason, Adrian became attractive in this one. It is the third installment in the Rocky film series, and the second in the franchise to be directed by.
Itt találod Rocky III. film főszereplőit és néhány mellék szereplőjét is, ha a több szereplő gombra kattintasz akkor megtekintheted az összes szereplőt, a színészekre kattintva többet megtudhatsz róluk, mint például, hogy mely filmekben vagy sorozatokban szerepelt és találhatsz pár képet és egyébb. Og det er en yderst farverig en af slagsen. Rocky slås mod selveste Hulk Hogan (før han blev populær), og han har hele to kampe mod Mr. T, der er perfekt castet som en ekstremt aggressiv gadefighter fra.
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