With Olivia DeJonge, Cynthia Nixon, Robert Aramayo, Samrat Chakrabarti. One petty crime spirals into the next. Stray Dolls doesn't make it easy to identify with its central characters, but director/co-writer Sonejuhi Sinha's depiction of the American underbelly is compelling.
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The film's holding ground-the Tides Plaza Motel in upstate New York-is a dreary playpen for the disenfranchised women that want more than the meager existence they were handed from Day One. "Stray Dolls" is like a Harmony Korine movie with all the fun and energy drained out of it. All that's left is the dour, mean-spirited stuff that gives Korine's work it's importance but alone. Sometimes a movie incorporates a single scene that appears like its essential motive for being.
In Sonejuhi Sinha's grimy-glamorous crime thriller function debut "Stray Dolls," it comes late on: Riz (Geetanjali Thapa), a newly arrived undocumented immigrant from India who's working as a maid in a dead-end motel, is in a telephone sales space at night time speaking to her mother again. The film stars Geetanjali Thapa , Olivia DeJonge , Cynthia Nixon , Robert Aramayo and Samrat Chakrabarti. 'Stray Dolls': Film Review Karyawan dan tamu motel lainnya menariknya kembali ke kehidupan […] 'Stray Dolls' Review: Woman on the Verge The American dream turns rancid for a young immigrant trapped in upstate New York. Sign Up: Stay on top of the latest breaking film and TV news! Movie Info Trailers Reviews DVD Movie Reviews were the bad guys, in the end, less central-casting and more mundane, "Stray Dolls" would be something like a neo-neorealist masterpiece. Stray Dolls movie reviews & Metacritic score: Leaving India behind to break with a life of petty crime, Riz (Geetanjali Thapa) arrives stateside and gets a housekeeping job at the decidedly landlocked Tides.
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Olivia DeJonge and Geetanjali Thapa in "Stray Dolls" (Photo by Shane Sigler) "Stray Dolls" Directed by Sonejuhi Sinha. The crime thriller "Stray Dolls" is described by director/co-writer Sonejuhi Sinha as a "love story," but all the characters in the. Stray Dolls movie reviews & Metacritic score: Leaving India behind to break with a life of petty crime, Riz (Geetanjali Thapa) arrives stateside and gets a housekeeping job at the decidedly landlocked Tides.
This duality propels the action of Sonejuhi Sinha's moody and atmospheric thriller. Leaving India behind to break with a life of petty crime, Riz arrives stateside and gets a housekeeping job at the. Sonejuhi Sinha is duidelijk een getalenteerd regisseur en ze weet een beklemmende en troosteloze sfeer te creëren, en ook het acteerwerk van de twee onbekende actrices is uitstekend. Jammer genoeg laat het verhaal wel wat steken vallen, en er zit eigenlijk niets bij wat je niet al in honderd andere soortgelijke.
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